Thursday, October 04, 2007

My house is a Tip

My kitchen bench

My washing pile

My lounge

So why is there so much disarray?

Rather than tidy the house and do the chores...

the whole family have spent the day outside and now we have this...
What was the kids sandpit by the front door is now an E1 proofed, potted vege garden...7 tomato plants, 6 capsicum, parsley, lettuce - the second planting, beetroot shoots we grew from seed and *might* just survive the transplanting and subsequent re-transplanting by C3 seed, celery and a couple of marigolds for colour.

and this...

While weeding next to the "new" sandpit...aka pile of sand left over from the builders...I found that the mound of overgrown dirt that I had assumed was mostly sand and builders rubble is actually lovely dark, friable we pulled out most of the green cover, turned in the rest, covered with newspaper, and compost, planted every thing that was left lying around, fenced it in to deter the marauding hordes and their assorted diggers, spades and buckets and voila...

So far there are a few carrots, some potatoes I found growing elsewhere on the property and thought I'd remember them if I put them here...hmmm...will see if they survive and multiply, silverbeet that had been languishing in the punnet for weeks and a couple of extra marigolds.


1 comment:

Jen and family said...

oh well youll just have to do other jobs today
your day was productive
thats what matters

jen at