Monday, April 09, 2007


Over the last four days we have done the obligatory thing and eaten a LOT of chocolate and Daddy has been home from work for the long weekend.

We have also indulged in the good old Kiwi tradition of DIY on Holiday weekends. Our bedroom is now stopped, sanded and painted, rearranged and de-cluttered...and hopefully it will remain that way for, oh at least a day or two before the odds and ends start sneaking their way back into every available corner.

As a family we have begun to focus more on what the Easter holiday means to us. We have read the Easter story in the week leading up to Good Friday and then again during the weekend, munching on Hot Cross Buns and reminding each other of the significance of the cross. I had planned on making Easter resurrection cookies on Saturday night to eat on Sunday morning...perhaps next year, when J and I aren't sleeping on the lounge floor and everyone is sleeping through the night (we averaged about a dozen night wakenings, equally spread between our youngest three kiddos, ever night over the long weekend...phew!!!!).

O5 has shown his understanding of the significance of Jesus death on the cross in his comment about sin..."Mummy, Jesus died on the cross so we don't have to be in trouble for our sins eh?""Yes, O." "OK, sin is when I don't listen to you and do what you say, eh Mummy?"...

Ah, from the mouth of babes...I'm glad that my little guy has such a simple concept of sin...albeit true, and doesn't know the evil that pervades around this prayer is that as he grows and sees the good, the bad and the ugly of life that he would remember that there is victory...that sin and death were defeated and that Jesus rose from the dead and intercedes for us at the right hand of God.

One last thought...should I be a teensy bit creeped out that O was playing at being Jesus while supposedly reading sories on the couch and organising his little siblings, A2 and C2, to be the robbers? Fortunately he didn't have his hammer and nails handy!

1 comment:

Jen and family said...

sounds like youve been busy

and your son is beginning to understand about God :)
Jen at