Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Big Guy!

My beautiful baby E-man is one! He is just so smoochable.

Facts and fun about Baby E...

He got his first tooth the day after his first birthday.

He has learnt to climb.

He throws a ball almost as well as O5.

He likes to sidle up to anybody who is sitting on the floor, reverse into your side and lie down on you for a snuggle.

He really enojys pushing buttons on the dvd player...while the other kids are watching something. Failing that turning the volume right up on the stereo is high on his list of new skills.

He really enjoys taking big slurps of water and the n blowing HUGE raspberries and guffawing at his incredible comedic ability.

He did super well out of turning one and got THREE separate parties and cakes!

Happy Birthday my lovely boy...for last week. You are a true blessing and we are so thankful that you are part of our family.


Sharonnz said...

Happy Birthday E!! You look so jubbly (you could easily pass for one of mine).

(Yeah...Karen's back!!)

Jen and family said...

happy birthday to your son
love the cake
my oldest son is 12 tomorrow

jen at http://jenz.wordpress.co