Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Parenting 101

After a bad mummy evening... I decided to jot down my thoughts on parenting my kiddos as of now! I have given up with big and deep philosophies, plans and systems...because they set me up for immediate failure and stress.

So this is my parenting primer for August 2007...

Help is Help...offer and give help when it is needed/requested as much as we are able.

They are just little and learning. We want to model to them the fruit of the Spirit rather than bash them over the head with a million rules and regulations they can't possible achieve.

Serve one another in love. Seek to serve the children...not in an indulgent "Your whim is my pleasure" kinda way but in a firm/kind/nurturing/modelling way.

Err on the side of grace and kindness. Be prepared to give up control over that which isn’t important and be prepared to dig in to uphold that which is important.

Mealtimes are for family togetherness...don’t turn them into battlegrounds.

Hug A2 lots.

Read C2 lots of stories and play cars with him.

Play board games with O5 and listen properly to all of his stories and thoughts and jokes.

Spend time with E11months, showing him books and making towers with him and rolling a ball around.

Let the kids get dirty.

Expect everyone to help where they are able.

Sing and dance and play together.

Pray for and with the children and share the Bible with them.

Get out into God’s creation and really explore and enjoy it.

Relax and let them be and don’t over correct or talk too much.


Setiuz Mama said...

Good thinking Karen! I like this...you are very good at getting things down to succinct and easy to understand ideas. I think I'll take a leaf out of your book and add your list to my ponderings.
Thanks for sharing!

Jess said...

Remember K,you are an awesome Mummy. I wish i had half your paitence. Missing You!


Rach said...

That list will take you a long way babe.

Jen and family said...

wonderful list :)

jen at http://prayerwarrior.wordpress.com/

Rosie said...

I love your thoughts/list.....so simple and yet so wise.

Jennifer said...

Good list to follow. I just started a little ritual of praying in the morning with the kids, to thank God for the day and all in it. We pray other times during the day, but I thought this was a good one.

skatey katie said...

i really enjoyed talking about all this with you IRL yesterday.
i guess my *real* parenting 101, all jokes aside , although it’s hard to get it in a nutshell… is:
live. love. build relationships.
and the rest just happens X

MamaMonk said...

I am visiting after some time away with summer activities/traveling.

You have great thoughts here, that i will apply post haste. seriously.

We have had some similiar struggles of late. Especially not making meal times a battlefield.

Thank you for your thoughts and I hope the settling in is smooth..

CC said...

oh Karen, love love love what you have written. If you hadn't moved away I would so somehow make you agree to be my prayer partner!!!!

Unknown said...

Great words of wisdom.
