I have actually been tagged a number of times...but I just have been super-slack/uninspired and haven't ever done anything about it...but Sarah tagged me and then Sharon hassled me...so here goes...
8 things you didn't know about me...or wish you didn't as the case may be...
1. I LOVE cheese...mmmm...Cumin Gouda, Brie, Camembert, Halloumi, Feta, Cheddar, Plastic processed crapola...you name it I love it...except for the full on Blue mouldy yucko ones and any that have more alcohol than a 21st in them!
2. I am turning rather quickly from a neat-freak...as in totally obsessive... to a pretty messy housekeeper...still not sure what I think about that one...part of me minds...the other half just can't be bothered caring!
3. About 80% of the time my entire outift (sans underwear and socks) is either gifted or thrifted to me...I like being this way...cheap and not exploiting slave labour!
4. I have an amazing husband who I don't appreciate enough...He likes to cook and bake...he often lets me sleep in on his days off...he willingly takes his share of the parenting...and he has always been chief pooey nappy changer. What a guy.
5. I only shower twice a week...unless I have been engaged in strenous exercise (snort!) Why? Cos I don't have time and don't wanna get up early and cos I feel guilty about water wastage and so forth...I'd much rather have a long hot shower less often than lots of quick ones.
6. I never once went to PE in Fifth Form...but still got an okay report which said that I had "partcipated in all activities"...thus proving that Secondary School teachers have no clues!
7. I really hanker to travel. I would love to take all of the kids and the hubby on a cycle tour through Holland...then ditch the kids and go to Italy and everywhere else just with my man.
8. The last movie I watched on the big Screen was Transformers...cos sometimes you just need to watch a big, dumb movie. One day soon I'll blog my all time fav movies for your perusal...okay Sharon??
Love it;-) Yes, please. Movies AND books!!
Oh Man, i miss your quirks!
Love you!
Hi Karen,
I'm enjoying reading your blog to see what you are up to! Just thought I'd say hi!
Joce S
You're funny! I am kind of the same with showering. But I shower more than twice a week. But I've been known to skip a day here and there. Love the pics of the kiddies!
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