Sunday, July 13, 2008


Life is fragile
Everybody breaks so easily
Life is fragile
No one is immune

In the long run
Everyone must take their turn
With this lesson we don't wanna take
But we all have to learn

And I'll stay here with you
Knowing that Jesus is here to carry us through
And all through the night
I'll stay by your side
Until the morning appears
And the sun and moon collide
He'll carry us through

Lyrics by Phil Joel

My heart has been heavy over the last couple of weeks.

A precious little boy who I was privileged to meet as a wee babe in Starship two years ago succumbed to cancer and died in his mother's arms.

A 6 year old classmate of a friend's daughter died suddenly and unexpectedly two days ago.

I have ben holding my babies close as I consider the terrible grief and pain that these and many families go through upon losing a child.

Life is fragile.


Sharonnz said...

Thanks for sharing those lyrics, Karen.

Rach said...

Karen, your thoughtfulness will be a comfort. Wishing you peace too.

Setiuz Mama said...

As only a mother's heart can feel!
Thanks for sharing Karen.
I too have been contemplating the preciousness of time with our little ones as we recently had a lady we know pass away and she has 4 kiddos with the youngest one JK's heart aches for these young ones.
HEY! Missing you!! Been thinking of you this week. Hope that we can coordinate a get together soon!! Much love to you and your beautiful whanau.