Monday, June 04, 2007

Very Uncharacteristic Foody Post

Now I am not a foody in any sense of the word. Our usual family fare is very simple, regular and quite frankly boring. We eat healthy food that doesn't cost much...end of story.

However I have just been introduced to the wonderful world of the Chai latte....Oh my...I have been missing out. how do I go about making my own? The chai tea I can buy or concoct...but that frothy, aerated, soft and warm do I capture that at home?...must do some research.

Life here is going to be mad, mad I tell you over the next five weeks as we pack up our worldly belongings, find somewhere to live, find someone to give us the money to pay our bills and unpack at the other end of a two hour drive...I'll pop in and keep ya between trying to source the perfect chai latte.


SuperOma said...

Chai Latte - very healthy for you as no caffeine. And the frothy stuff - well will fill you in on that!

As I write our bed has been turned 90 degrees by 'you know who' - will I sleep without huge dreams tonight??

SuperOma said...

PS: Maybe my last comment is the start of my 'coming out' in blogs. Ta.

Setiuz Mama said...

Chai Latte's Rock!
The Frothy milk.....try warming some milk and then pop it in a coffee plunger and plunge you some froth.....although not the lovely thick 'I could swim in this' froth! Me thinks a bottle of Monin Chai latte syrup might be a good house warming gift for you.
Have a great day!

skatey katie said...

*scratches head*
you've Sold And Bought?????

i was going to suggest the coffee-plunger-trick, but it is only a second rate option.
the better idea is to drive an hour down the road (once you move) and i'll froth you some milk with our ever-so-sexy-espresso-machine.... might even convert ya to a Real Latte lol....

Sharonnz said...

I thought I had shifted to the ends of earth when we moved to Wgtn from Ak 6yrs ago and NO cafes had Chai Latte. They used to look at me like I had two heads and I did the JAFA thing of "well, ALL the cafes in Ak have it!", lol...goober. Glad you've discovered it!

Jennifer said...

I have not tried chai lattes and maybe I will now. I love the house you are looking at. My gosh the woodwork is amazing. You're moving though?