Friday, October 23, 2009

The Gift of Time

As I read this post today at The Elephant's Child, I was reminded once again of one of the primary reasons we have chosen to home educate the rapscallious rascals. a hurried world filled with endless amusements, distractons, activities and busyness, homeschooling allows our children time...

Time to just BE...time to read a novel for hours on end...time to dig in the garden...time to sit quietly and think...time to negotiate and form strong relationships with siblings...time to look at an earthworm burrowing...TIME...

I love this quote from RL Stevenson...

Happy hearts and happy faces, Happy play in grassy places--
That was how in ancient ages, Children grew to kings and sages.


Nova said...

yes, yes & yes!! (and no time taken up with roll calls etc too ;) )

Fire said...

I'm glad you're back K! And thanks for those beautiful words!