Friday, April 24, 2009

Blog Catch Up #84

I seem to be all feast and famine on the blogging front. It is really because I really can't be bothered continually uploading and fiddling with digipics all of the irritates me immensely. So every now and then I bite the bullet and realise I have 300 pics on the camera. Then I look at them all and realise that I have to share some of them...or lots of them as the case may be.

Seeing as this blog is our only current photo album and record of our day to day cominfgs and goings I do want to keep u0pdating it...however sporadically.

So once again here is an influx of new posts. See you again in a month or two




1 comment:

Setiuz Mama said...

I hear you baby! Love your catch ups to get a huge dose of loveliness in one go.