Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TV or not TV...that is the question

"Consider what a child misses during the 15, 000 hours (from birth to age seventeen) he spends in front of the TV screen. He is not working in the garage with his father, or in the garden with his mother. He is not doing homework, or reading, or collecting stamps. He is not cleaning his room, washing the supper dishes, or cutting the lawn. He is not listening to a discussion about community politics among his parents and their friends. He is not playing baseball or going fishing, or painting pictures. Exactly what does television offer that is so valuable it can replace these activities that transform an impulsive, self-absorbed child into a critically thinking adult?"
— Paul Copperman

We went TV free two summers back and it was great!! We never got round to it last summer and now with winter kicking in we use the TV more often. This quote has reminded me of all the things that TV watching steals. Mindful media consumption is my aim for this winter and TV free again next summer.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Homeschool Wobbles continue...

Homeschool wobbles are universal. I found this encouraging post today.

My biggest wobles at the moment are based on finances and my own selfishness.

It is a big sacrifice to homeschool. Our potential income is more than halved - I have more earning power than J.

There is little kudos for home educating. When I was a classroom teacher I got paid, I got feedback on my job performanceand I got lots of presents at the end of each year.

As a homeschool mum I get concern and questions which, however well intentioned, feed into my insecurities.

However when it all comes down to it, I am convinced that the kiddoes are being truly educated and THAT is what it is all about. J and I have no interest in our kids being well -schooled...we want them to gain an education.

Maybe it really isn't all that complicated...

If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need. - Cicero

Check and check...phew!